Multiplier Point

Multiplier Point

Multiplier Point can boost user's staking yield and reward.

Staking Multiplier Points


Multiplier Points reward long-term investors without causing inflation.

When you stake OMT, you will gain Multiplier Points at a predetermined rate of 100% APR.

  • For example, 1000 Multiplier Points would be earned if 1000 OMT were staked for a year.

By hitting the "Compound" button on the Earn page, Multiplier Points can also be staked for fee rewards; each multiplier point will raise fee rewards APRs at the same rate as a standard OMT token.


When OMT or Escrowed OMT tokens are unstaked, the corresponding number of Multiplier Points is burned. The burn will be applied to the overall number of Multiplier Points, including staked and unstaked Multiplier Points.

  • For example, if 1000 OMT is staked and 500 Multiplier Points have been earned thus far, unstaking 300 OMT would result in the loss of 150 (300 / 1000 * 500) Multiplier Points.

Boost Percentage

The "Boost Percentage" displayed on the Earn page is your personal boost percentage from staking Multiplier Points. The "Boost Percentage" is calculated by dividing the number of Multiplier Points by the total amount of OMT and esOMT staked:

Boost Percentage = 100 * (Staked Multiplier Points) / (Staked OMT + Staked esOMT)

  • According to the above example, after 1 week with 1000 OMT staked and received 19.18 MP. Let's say, every week you re-stake all MP rewards received with OMT stake pool APR of 10%.

Assuming with 1000 OMT after staking 1 week with APR (10%), the to-be-received amount of esOMT will be:

1000 * 10 / 100 / 52 ~ 1.92 esOMT.

After staking esOMT, the Boost coefficient will be:

100 * 19.18 / (1000 + 1.92) ~ 1.914%

So if the APR receiving the bonus from the system fee is currently 10%, the APR after staking the boost factor will be 10.1914%

Transfer Multiplier Point

Use the Transfer button to transfer staked tokens from your account to another account without burning Multiplier Points.

Last updated